Theme 1 'Assessing ecological condition and trend'

A clear understanding of the ecological condition and trends of environmental assets of the Great Barrier Reef, Torres Strait and the Wet Tropics rainforests is fundamental to ecologically sustainable use of those assets by industry and communities, support by appropriate management and policy settings.  Theme 1 is comprised of three inter-related Programs, each of which concentrates on a specific component of North Queensland’s natural and cultural heritage, and delivers reports on the condition and trend of key ecosystems and natural living resources.


Examples of expected benefits: 
The expected outcomes of this research are highly relevant to the following elements of the portfolio's work: EPBC Act referrals and assessments, species recovery planning, marine environment reporting, State of the Environment reporting, threat abatement planning (including the Australian Pest Animal Strategy), and the Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report (particularly in relation to identified key issues and risks in climate change & water quality, protected species, fisheries impacts and coastal development).
Early warning of Crown of Thorns Starfish outbreaks will also allow localised management options to be considered in a timely manner.

Theme 1 consists of three Programs:

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