
Miller, I., Sweatman, H. (2013) The status of crown-of-thorns starfish populations on the Great Barrier Reef from AIMS surveys.

© Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS)



05 October 2012

Australia's Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest coral reef and stretches over 3000 kilometers along the Queensland coast. Now, scientists from the Australian Institute of Marine Science found that over half of its coral has disappeared over the past 27 years.

The study showed that if this loss of coral is not stopped, the future of the ecosystem could be under more serious threat. If this continues at the current rate, it is thought that the coral will halve again in 10 years. Read more




Red Orbit

02 October 2012

The Great Barrier Reef in Australia is the world’s largest coral reef, and the only living thing on Earth that is visible from space. The Great Barrier Reef is approximately 3000 kilometers long and up to 65 kilometers wide in some places.

According to new research from the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS ), the Great Barrier Reef has lost half of its coral cover in the last 27 years. The research team attributes this loss to storm damage (48%), crown of thorns starfish (42%), and bleaching (10%). Read more





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