
Ben Reid (JCU), Amélie Augé, Owen Woodberry, Bob Pressey, Jon Brodie, Allan Dale, Hugh Yorkston, Ann E. Nicholson; Understanding the cumulative impacts of coastal development on marine ecosystems: Land-use change scenarios and Bayesian networks; Wednesday 5th November.


Brad Congdon (JCU); Critical seabird foraging locations and trophic relationships for the GBR; Thursday 6th November.


Catherine Collier (JCU); Thresholds and indicators of declining water quality as tools for tropical seagrass monitoring and management; Thursday 6th November.


Cathy Dichmont (CSIRO); Local people influencing regional coastal management: Decision support tools and experinces through case studies; 5th November 2014.


Conrad Hoskin (JCU); The importance of peripheral areas of the Wet Tropics for conversation of biodiversity; Thursday 6th November.


Damien Burrows (JCU), Norm Duke (JCU), Mark Geyle (TSRA); Mangrove, freshwater and coastal wetlands; Wednesday 5th November.


Dan Metcalfe (CSIRO); Fire and rainforests: Mabi forest & Mahogany Glider habitat; Thursday 6th November.


Andrew Tobin (JCU) Drivers of juvenile shark biodiversity and abundance in inshore ecosystems of the GBR; Thursday 6th November 2014.



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