Dr. Glenn De'ath

Dr. De’ath is a Principal Research Scientist, biostatistician and ecological modeller at AIMS. His interests lie in the development of statistical and mathematical models and their application to complex biotic and environmental data. He has been intimately involved with the establishment of water quality guidelines, the regionalisation and rezoning of the GBR, the re-design of the AIMS Long Term Monitoring Program to assess the effects of the rezoning, and the development of the e-Atlas. He has also developed freely available statistical software, now widely used by many researchers across many disciplines.

Dr. De’ath is currently involved in research into the effects of climate change, water quality and crown-of-thorns starfish on the Great Barrier Reef, and in modelling the effects of environmental drivers on spatial and temporal change in diversity within ecosystems. Other work includes development of statistical and ecological models and methods, particularly with regard to multivariate regression trees, principal curves, extended dissimilarity, aggregated boosted trees and multinomial diversity models.