Brisbane Seminar: 5th September 2014

Brisbane Seminar: 5th September 2014

Below are links to presentations given by project leaders at the NERP TE Hub Brisbane Seminar, held 5th September 2014 at EHP Building, 400 George St, Brisbane. The Seminar was attended by 65 Queensland Government Agency and non-government agency staff. The event aimed to inform Queensland Government agency staff and non-government stakeholders of the Hub research outputs, tools and other potential applications for policy, planning and management applicability.


Event Program

Introduction to the NERP Tropical Ecosystems Hub
Dr Peter Doherty, Science Leader, NERP TE Hub

Dugongs, turtles and coastal dolphins in the GBR and Torres Strait: perceptions and reality
Prof Helene Marsh, JCU

Socio-economic value of GBR and Wet Tropics goods and services
Prof Natalie Stoeckl, JCU

Decision support systems for GBR managers
Dr Cathy Dichmont, CSIRO

Biosecurity and improved disease detection approaches in the Torres Strait
Assoc Prof Sue Laurance, JCU

Movements and habitat use by marine apex predators
Prof Colin Simpfendorfer, JCU

Water quality of the GBR and Torres Strait: Cumulative impacts on bethnic biodiversity
Dr Britta Schaffelke, AIMS

Maximising resilience of Wet Tropics biodiversity
Prof Steve Williams, JCU

Rainforest refugia and hotspots of plant genetic diversity
Prof Darren Crayn, ATH / JCU

Threats to rainforest health and monitoring of key species
Dr David Westcott, CSIRO

Fire and rainforests
Dr Dan Metcalfe, CSIRO

Rainforest restoration and revegetation
Dr Carla Catterall, GU & Dr Luke Shoo, UQ
NERP Project 12.2 Results Factsheet
MTSRF Rainforest restoration: approaches, costs and biodiversity outcomes Factsheet




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