Climate change

The Syndey Morning Herald

04 May 2013

The United Nations has put the Queensland and federal governments on notice that the Great Barrier Reef could be added to a list of endangered world heritage sites.

ABC Radio Australia

02 October 2012

Australia's peak scientific body says Papua New Guinea's growing population is more of an immediate threat to the region's sustainability than climate change.

James Butler, leader of CSIRO's environment and development team, who released the report, says the window of opportunity for aid spending on the problem is "pretty small."

The Age

02 October 2012

Half the Great Barrier Reef's coral has disappeared in the past 27 years and less than a quarter could be left within a decade unless action is taken, a landmark study has found.

A long-term investigation of the reef by scientists at Townsville's Australian Institute of Marine Science found coral had been wiped out by intense tropical cyclones, a native species of starfish and coral bleaching. Read more


van Oosterzee P, Dale A, Preece N. (accepted) Integrating agriculture and climate change mitigation at landscape scale: Implications from an Australian case study. Special edition of Global Environmental Change.

Dale A, McKee J, Vella K, Potts R. (in review) Carbon, biodiversity and regional natural resource planning: Towards high impact next generation plans in Australia.

Catterall, C., Kanowski, J. and Grimbacher, P. 2011. The capacity of different plantation designs to restore stocks of carbon versus biodiversity. Pp 125-130 in Majid, N.M, Ahmed, O.H., Sajap, A.S and Islam, M.M. (eds.) Proceedings of International Symposium on Rehabilitation of Tropical Rainforest Ecosystems. Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang. Online at:

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