Ecosystem health monitoring

A snapshot of the research progress within the Rainforest node for January to June 2013.


A snapshot of the research progress within the Torres Strait node for January to June 2013.


A snapshot of the research progress within the Great Barrier Reef Water Quality node for January to June 2013.


A snapshot of the research progress within the Great Barrier Reef Biodiversity node for January to June 2013.


Dr Dan Metcalfe has been named Runner-up in the 'Ecosystems and Communities' category in the 2013 British Ecological Society (BES) Photographic Competition. Dr Metcalfe (Project 7.1 Fire and Rainforests) is Research Program Leader for Ecology in CSIRO’s Ecosystem Sciences Division, based in Brisbane.

Sharks, giant trevally, coral trout and other large reef predators present a challenge to reef managers. Their mobility complicates estimates of population status, which makes assessment of man-made and natural changes hard to define.


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