Environmental management

Dredging Today

12 August 2013

The Fight for the Reef campaign has seized on a new report on the impact of dredging on the Great Barrier Reef as further evidence that the practice of dumping dredge waste should be banned.

Richard Leck, WWF-Australia spokesperson for the Fight for the Reef Campaign said that the report confirms the worst fears for anyone who loves the Reef. Read more



The annual research highlights brochure of what's been happening on a selection of projects in the NERP Tropical Ecosystems Hub during 2012.


The NERP Tropical Ecosystems Hub Third Annual Work Plan (AWP3) details the milestones to be completed by each Hub funded project in 2013-2014.


The annual highlights brochure of what's been happening in the NERP Tropical Ecosystems Hub during 2012.


An update brochure of what's going on with the NERP Tropical Ecosystems Hub Great Barrier Reef Biodiversity projects.


Hugh Sweatman (AIMS); History and status of crown-of-thorns starfish on the GBR; Wednesday 8th May 2013.


Damien Burrows (JCU), Norm Duke (JCU), Jock Mackenzie (JCU); Wetland Habitats of Torres Strait; Wednesday 8th May 2013.



05 October 2012

Australia's Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest coral reef and stretches over 3000 kilometers along the Queensland coast. Now, scientists from the Australian Institute of Marine Science found that over half of its coral has disappeared over the past 27 years.

Red Orbit

02 October 2012

The Great Barrier Reef in Australia is the world’s largest coral reef, and the only living thing on Earth that is visible from space. The Great Barrier Reef is approximately 3000 kilometers long and up to 65 kilometers wide in some places.


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