Environmental management

The Age

02 October 2012

Half the Great Barrier Reef's coral has disappeared in the past 27 years and less than a quarter could be left within a decade unless action is taken, a landmark study has found.

A long-term investigation of the reef by scientists at Townsville's Australian Institute of Marine Science found coral had been wiped out by intense tropical cyclones, a native species of starfish and coral bleaching. Read more


Collier,C.J., Coombes, G., Waycott, M. (In prep) Drivers of turbidity and light in shallow seagrass meadows

Collier CJ, Giraldo-Ospina A, Waycott M. (In prep.) Light, temperature and exposure as environmental drivers of tropical seagrass dynamics.


*Supported through MTSRF funding

van Oosterzee P, Dale A, Preece N. (accepted) Integrating agriculture and climate change mitigation at landscape scale: Implications from an Australian case study. Special edition of Global Environmental Change.

Dale A, McKee J, Vella K, Potts R. (in review) Carbon, biodiversity and regional natural resource planning: Towards high impact next generation plans in Australia.

Dale A, Ryan S, Broderick K. (accepted) Integrated natural resource governance: Regional progress and potential national reforms.

Grice, A.A., Clarkson, J.R., Friedel, M.H., Murphy, H.T., Fletcher, C.F. & Westcott, D.A. (in review) Containment: the state of play. Proceedings of 18th Aust Weeds Conference.


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