Environmental management

Freeman, A.N.D., Catterall, C.P., Freebody, K. and Kanowski, J. (2011) How does landscape context influence the re-colonisation of rainforest restoration sites by birds?. Pp 165-168 in Majid, N.M, Ahmed, O.H., Sajap, A.S and Islam, M.M. (eds.) Proceedings of International Symposium on Rehabilitation of Tropical Rainforest Ecosystems. Online at: http://www.forr2.upm.edu.my/frp/images/abstract18.pdf.


Related to Project 12.2


Catterall, C., Kanowski, J. and Grimbacher, P. 2011. The capacity of different plantation designs to restore stocks of carbon versus biodiversity. Pp 125-130 in Majid, N.M, Ahmed, O.H., Sajap, A.S and Islam, M.M. (eds.) Proceedings of International Symposium on Rehabilitation of Tropical Rainforest Ecosystems. Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang. Online at: www.forr2.upm.edu.my/frp/images/abstract1.pdf.

Supported through MTSRF funding.

Bradford MG,  Westcott DA (2011). Predation of cassowary dispersed seeds: is the cassowary an effective disperser? Integrative Zoology 6: 168 - 177.

Supported by MTSRF funding.

Harrison HB, Williamson DH, Evans RD, Almany GR, Thorrold SR, Russ GR, Feldheim KA, van Herwerden L, Planes S, Srinivasan M, Berumen ML, Jones GP (2012). Larval Export From Marine Reserves and the Recruitment Benefit for Fish and Fisheries. Current Biology.

The NERP Tropical Ecosystems Hub Second Annual Work Plan (AWP2) details the milestones to be completed by each Hub funded project in 2012-2013.



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