Great Barrier Reef

Dredging Today

12 August 2013

The Fight for the Reef campaign has seized on a new report on the impact of dredging on the Great Barrier Reef as further evidence that the practice of dumping dredge waste should be banned.

Richard Leck, WWF-Australia spokesperson for the Fight for the Reef Campaign said that the report confirms the worst fears for anyone who loves the Reef. Read more



The annual research highlights brochure of what's been happening on a selection of projects in the NERP Tropical Ecosystems Hub during 2012.


The Conversation

05 August 2013

Warming oceans are affecting the breeding patterns and habitat of marine life, according to a three-year international study published today in Nature Climate Change. This is effectively re-arranging the broader marine landscape as species adjust to a changing climate.

Coast GIS 2013

Auge, A.A., Maughan, M., Pressey, R.L., Brodie, J., Dale, A., Yorkston, H. (2013) Spatially explicit scenarios for conservation planning in the Great Barrier Reef coastal zone, Australia. Coast GIS 2013.


ABC Radiio National

16 July 2013

The Great Barrier Reef may soon be assessed as a World Heritage site 'in danger' by UNESCO.

Water scientist at James Cook University, Jon Brody, thinks this listing should go ahead because, despite improvements in agricultural management, the threats to the reef are still there. Read more

Herbicides used to control nuisance weeds on the farm can also be effective once they get into the ocean; even in minute quantities such chemicals have been shown to cause stress to corals, algae, mangroves and seagrass. A little stress has a greater impact than you might think...


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